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Sea adventure!
Personalized Gift
A Sea Odyssey with Jack and Name

A Sea Odyssey with poster and Name

44,99 $ 44,99 $
Personnaliser le livre de poster ⬇

Wiggle into your Wetsuit and Dive into an Underwater Adventure.

Explore the underwater world and the animals that live in the big blue sea. Together, with Sheldon the sea turtle, choose one or two children to be the main character(s) in this fantastic sea odyssey. With help from other sea creatures, they seek to solve the mystery of some long lost treasure.

Along the way, we meet playful dolphins, a dancing clown fish, a hammerhead with great eyesight, shy seahorses, a giant sperm whale, and an octopus who sprays ink in to hide something at the bottom of the sea. What could it be? Perhaps, it might be the treasure...

A wonderfully entertaining book with beautiful drawings of sea animals that will boost your child's language skills and knowledge about marine animals.

Auteur(e): Anna Dybdal
Auteur(e): Paula Repo
Illustrateur/trice: Jonas Sonne

Tranche d'âge
De 3 à 5 ans.
24 pages.
delivery time
8 jours ouvrés
En stock
En stock
Écolabel Le Cygne blanc
Écolabel Le Cygne blanc
Couverture rigide, papier couché - 200 g.
Couverture rigide, papier couché - 200 g.

Personalize A Sea Odyssey with poster and Name

Choose Book Size

Write a personalized dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about Child 1


Information about Child 2


Information about the Adult

It can e.g. be a parent, grandparent or another family member.

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